Sacred Heart Parish of Du Quoin, Illinois – Founded In 1857
Immaculate Conception Parish of Tamaroa, Illinois – Founded in 1890
February 26, 2023
Thank you for visiting us!
Welcome all visitors! We are happy to see you!
We hope you will join us again as we continue
to discover the difference God’s love makes in our lives!
We’re blessed because you’re here.

The second reading this Sunday is not easy to follow, especially when some of Paul’s sentences are more like paragraphs. But you will notice that he makes several important connections: between sin and death, between Adam and Jesus, and between obedience and disobedience.
Sin, he says, is the cause of death. Of course, everyone is subject to death at some point, even if they haven’t sinned. A less serious sin can be a little “death” when it makes us feel that we are not as close to God as we could be. And sins that we might think are not a big deal, like smoking, can lead to serious health problems.
The connection between Adam and Jesus is not so obvious. Adam was the first to bring sin and death into the world. Jesus is the first to bring forgiveness by his death on the cross. The main difference between them is that Adam disobeyed God, while Jesus was obedient to his Father. Adam reminds me of a child who knows what he is supposed to do, but thinks that he can do the opposite and get away with it.
In the Gospel, Satan can be thought of as trying to get Jesus to do things the easy way. When he tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread, he shows Jesus an easy way to feed the people. But Jesus takes a better way, when he feeds us with himself in the Eucharist. The devil says Jesus can throw himself off the temple as a dramatic way to attract followers; Jesus lets himself hang from the cross to draw people to himself. Satan promises the kingdoms of the world if Jesus will only worship him. But Jesus chose to be crowned with thorns and receive his kingdom when he rose from the dead.
Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

Weekly Links:
Bellville Diocese
Bishop Michael McGovern YouTube Channel
From the Desk of Pope Francis
Growing in Faith Newsletter
How to Pray the Rosary
Memorial Brick Order Form
Parishioners Serving Schedule – February
Parishioners Serving Schedule – March
Immac-Concep-Schedule – January-March
PSR Registration Form
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
YouTube Vatican Channel

Who can I forgive this week, imitating the Lord’s mercy, sowing the seeds of the kingdom, and bringing a sort of paradise to someone else’s heart?

Give Thanks by Giving Online
Don’t Forget, Gift to Sacred Heart & Immaculate Conception Are Tax-Deductible
You Don’t Have to Take a Rain Check on Your Offertory Support
Even when the weather is bad and you can’t make it on Sunday, you can fulfill your Offertory support! With ParishSOFT Giving, you can give from anywhere and even set up contribution in advance. This creates a safer flow of cash for Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception because we know when we can expect your support, and it allows you to participate in giving even when you cant make it here.
Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception now provides online giving
through software called ParishSOFT Giving. This is a convenient and safe way to make a onetime or recurring donation. Getting started is easy—
just click the Online Giving link on the top bar.

All parishioners will first click on the Fund button and make a selection from the drop down menu. For weekly envelopes, select PARISH. A SUB FUND button will open. When you click on the Sub Fund button, another drop down menu will appear and you will find ENVELOPE and a few more choices. Parishioners of Sacred heart will select ENVELOPE for weekly gifts. Parishioners of Immaculate Conception will find an ’Immaculate Conception’ link further down in the drop-down window, you will select that so your gift will be for Immaculate Conception gifts. Immaculate Conception parishioners will only be able to do online giving for the weekly envelope.
When you participate, your gift will transfer directly into the appropriate parish bank account. You won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays! If you manage your bills online, why not give to your church online? It’s safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your gift is made and where it goes.
If you have any questions please feel free to call the office and we will help you!

Sacred Heart
Saturday, February 25 – Saturday after Ash Wednesday
4:00 – 4:30 pm Confession
5:00 pm Mass Intention
- Loretta C Schneider by Kerry Zajicek
- Donnie Payne by Anton & Family
- Rusty Sims by Jaci Williams
Sunday, February 26
8:00 am Rosary
8:00 – 8:15 am Confession
8:30 am Mass Intention
- Bruna Silivia Scarber by Terry Scarber
- Brandon Lowe by Cheryl Klopcic
- Danny Kowzan by Richard & Doris Rottschalk
Monday, February 27 – Lenten Weekday; Saint Gregory of Narek; Abbot, Doctor of the Church
7:00 am Prayer Service
Tuesday, February 28 – Lenten Weekday
7:00 am Rosary at Sacred Heart
Wednesday, March 1 – Lenten Weekday
Saint Mother Teresa Cursillo 4th day
4:45 pm Stations of the Cross at Sacred Heart
5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart
- Mary Ann Iffert
Thursday, March 2 – Lenten Weekday
7:00 am Mass
- Edna Emling by Harold & Joyce Emling
Friday, March 3 – Lenten Weekday
Saint Katherine Drexel, Virgin
7:00 am Mass
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross at Immaculate Conception
- Emma Sunga by Calderon Family
Saturday, March 4 – Lenten Weekday
Saint Casimir
4:00 – 4:30 pm Confession
5:00 pm Mass Intention
- Bill Poiter by John & Sharon Childs
- Molly Kern by Patti Richards
- Dorothy Prusacki by Dan & Lillian Mercer
Sunday, March 5
8:00 am Rosary
8:00 – 8:15 am Confession
8:30 am Mass Intention
- Raymond Sherman by Ron & Linda Sherman
- Marilyn Cascio by Cyrilla & Family
- Jim Martin Family by Dorothy Martin
Do you have someone who would like a
Parish Priest and Ministers of the care visit those who are homebound, nursing home residents and hospital patients.
If you or someone you know would like a visit please contact the rectory 542-3423.
Sacred Heart
Ushers for month of March
Saturday: Paul Martin, Allen Reaves, Ryan Weatherford
Sunday: Steve Marek, Tony Kellerman, Jim Derby
Saturday, March 4 – 5:00 pm
Altar Servers: Mason Kern & Harrison Still
Lector: Rex Duncan
Extraordinary Ministers: Priest, Henry Born
Sunday, February 26th – 8:30 am
Altar Servers: Logan & Landon Numi
Lector: Cara Alongi
Extraordinary Ministers: Priest, Cara Alongi
Money Counters – March 6
Kathy Scaglione, Patty Reaves, Ruth Pierce
Raffle Money Counters: Renee Cobin & Margie Born

Saturday, February 25
8:00 am HALOM & Tree of Life 4th Day at Haffner Hall
9:30 am Pickleball at gym
9 am – noon St. Joseph Thrift Store open
Sunday, February 26
2:00 pm RCIA Rite of Election at Cathedral of St. Peter
Monday, February 27
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Quilting at Haffner Hall
9:00 am Pickleball at gym
9:00 am – 11:00 am St. Joseph Thrift Store drop off
Tuesday, February 28
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Quilting at Haffner Hall
6:00 pm – Parish Council at Haffner Hall
Wednesday, March 1
9:00 am Pickleball at gym
6:00 pm Faith Formation at Haffner Hall
6:00 – 7:30 pm PSR: The Kingdom of God
Thursday, March 2
9 am – 4 pm St. Joseph Thrift Store open
6:00 pm RCIA: Catholic Social teaching
Friday, March 3
3:30 – 6:30 pm Fish Fry – Take out only
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross at Immaculate Conception
Saturday, March 4
Second Collection – Social Justice
9:30 am Pickleball at gym
9 am – noon St. Joseph Thrift Store open
Sunday, March 5
Second Collection – Social Justice

Immaculate Conception
Saturday, February 25 – Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Sunday, February 26
10:00 am Mass Intention
- Charles Kuberski by Ron & Sondra Kuberski
- Sam Hiller by Doris Banach
- Joan Kowalski by Rich & Maryann Radake
Monday, February 27 – Lenten Weekday
Saint Gregory of Narek; Abbot, Doctor of the Church
Tuesday, February 28 – Lenten Weekday
Wednesday, March 1 – Lenten Weekday
4:45 pm Stations of the Cross at Sacred Hearrt
Thursday, March 2 – Lenten Weekday
Friday, March 3: – Lenten Weekday
Saint Katherine Drexel, Virgin
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross at Immaculate Conception
Saturday, March 4 – Lenten Weekday
Saint Casimir
Sunday, March 5
10:00 am Mass Intention
- Dyan Quinn by Sacred Heart Quilters
- Sam Hiller by David Opp Family
- Joan Kowalski by Donna Piotrowski
Immaculate Conception
Ushers for the Month of March
Martin Skorch & Steve Harris
Sunday March 5- 10:00 am
Altar Servers: Michaela Skorch & Rileigh Harris
Lector: Mandy Robinson
Sweet Treats: Sondra Kuberski
1. Office Hours: Thursdays from 8AM to 2PM – When office is closed, please call 542-3423 (Sacred Heart) for assistance.
2. Planned Giving: Would you consider Immaculate Conception Church in your will or trust? Do you have an insurance policy that no longer fits your needs? You can donate it to Immaculate Conception Church and receive tax benefits as well as the satisfaction of helping the future of our parishes.
IC Parish Hall Rental Rates
$25/hr – Parishioner
$40/hr – Non-Parishioner
$100 deposit – returned after event if no damage.
Confession at Immaculate Conception
Confessions will be heard in the flower room west of the altar either before or after mass. Please wait in the room for Fr. Carl. If he does not see you, please alert him that you are there for confession.

Please Pray For . . .
Nursing Home: Lynn Finn, Shirley Forys, Rosalea Prusacki, Anna Roberts.
Sick: John Dale, Jim Getzie, Terry Chastain, James Feger, Dorothy Alongi, Steve Porter, Matilda Harsy, Chris Kelley, Larry Hutson, David Martin, Helen Polcznski, Agnes George, Marian Whitson, David Harsy, Lindsey Collins, Wanda Schleper, Tom Roznowski, Rob Busch, David Eisenhauer, Pam Pereira, Bill Horton, Dorothy Jacoby, Jim Stroot, Tom Marek, Jerry Riggio, Sarah Valerius, Marianne Heath, Riley Davis, David Searby, Christine Hutson, Joan Endres, Darren Snyder, Susan Heape, Sabrina Harris, Austin Hagel, Bob Dowling, Paul Beckerle, Patty Stork, Sandra Marek, Jane Crain Mydler.
Military Personnel: Col. Aaron S. Cowley, SSgt. Jordan Keller, MGSgt (ret.) Thomas D. Sims, Sgt. Derek S. Sims, SCPO (SS/AW) John Kelley, SPC Mark Yanez, PV2 Jared Albers, Lt. Col. Carly Sims, Sgt. 1st. Cl. Caleb VanVoorhis, SSgt Tyler Jeffers, Lt. Col. Andrew Martin, USAF Airman E-1 Hunter Hill, Master Sergeant & Medical Intel. NCOIC Terry E. Chastain Jr., Nick Depyatic (Airforce), Garrison Alvis (Marines), Capt. Jeremy Roznowski Airborne Army Ranger, Shyanne Roznowski Medical Tech.

The 8th grade youth are preparing for Confirmation. They would appreciate your prayers as they prepare to receive the Holy Spirit. This year Confirmation will be held at Sacred Heart on Saturday, April 15th at the 5:00 pm mass. ADAM BATHON, WYATT FURLOW, LANDON NUMI, LOGAN NUMI, RYLEE PESTKA, MAX ZIMMERMAN.
Thank you for praying for us!
Getting to know us….
My name is Rylee Pestka and I’m 14 years old. My parents names are Donnie and Michelle Pestka. I go to school in Pinckneyville at 204 school. I’m in the 8th grade and getting confirmed. Please keep me in your prayers.

Please pray for our children receiving the sacrament of First Communion this spring also. They are Cora Harsy, Addelyn Jones, Nora Elder, London Dirler, and Skyler Furlow.

Groups News:

All the classes start with mass at 5:30pm. Class follows until 730 on the second floor of the school. If you have any questions please call Janet Hayden at 618-318-2674

Funeral Dinner Committee
Parishioners will be called for making food dishes and working. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to help or contribute any time, please call:
Theresa Swain: 775-934-6366
Patty Reaves: 618-357-1321
Rita Riggio: 618-571-2132
Barb Craft: 618-571-4562
Cyrilla Prusacki: 618-542-3422


The Card Ministry Committee will meet on Thursday, Oct. 27th at 1:00 PM in Haffner Hall for an important meeting and updates. Please bring your name list. New members are needed and welcomed. If you cannot attend the meeting or would like to join the committee, please contact Doris R at 618-542-4080 or email: rottschalk@frontier.com.

Mother Teresa Cursillo Fourth Day group will meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Meeting is at 12:15 pm at Haffner Hall.

At every Mass many of us use the phrase “Lamb of God” without fully understanding what it means. Dr. Pitre will examine two key instances of sacrificial lambs in the Old Testament – and why John the Baptist’s disciples were quick to leave him to follow the One he proclaimed as “the Lamb of God.” Come learn more in adult faith formation this Wednesday, December 7th, after the 5:30 Mass. We will meet in Haffner Hall. Anyone, high school age and above, we would love for you to join us. Hope to see you there.

CDA MEETING Announcements
CDA Members…..several ladies have volunteered to help plan our anniversary celebration currently scheduled for April 23rd (date TBD because of possible conflicts).
Second items to note: Annual dues of $25 are now being accepted by Lisa Mohr – you can mail directly to her, to the rectory, drop in the collection baskets or in the church mail slot. Thank you!
Quilt raffle tickets have been mailed out to all members for you to buy and/or sell. Special thanks to Margie for taking charge of all the details. (Both of these items will be in the upcoming bulletins).
Finally, I am happy to announce our new officers (who will be inducted in May or June) & thank them for accepting the positions & leading our court. Also, please welcome our newest member, Angie Sheehan, who joined Feb. 6th.
Regent: Lisa Mohr
Vice Regent: Sharon Martin
Treasurer: Pam Loiacono
Recording Secretary: Cyrilla Prusacki
Financial Secretary: Anna (Sis) Eichhorn

Are you, or do you know of someone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?
Sacred Heart/Immaculate Conception and St. Bruno’s will begin classes for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults on Thursday October 6th. These classes meet weekly from October through April. You do not have to join the Church. You can just find out more about Catholic faith. If you are interested, please contact Christine Kelley at 618-559-6581.

When the Church speaks of the “Real Presence” she means “the whole Christ is truly present, body, blood, soul, and divinity, under the appearances of bread and wine – the glorified Christ who rose from the dead after dying for our sins. (The Real Presence of Jesus Christ is the Sacrament of the Eucharist, USCCB, 2020). To experience the Real Presence at our parish, we have Eucharistic Adoration every other Wednesday (watch the bulletin for dates), and the church handicap door is open weekdays until 4 pm for anyone who would like to visit the Real Presence of Christ in the Tabernacle. You may contact Lisa Mohr 618-542-4635 if you would like to set up a time or get more information.

Weekly News:
When a priest celebrates Mass each day, he offers each celebration of the Eucharist for a particular person, or intention. By doing so he applies special graces from God upon that person or intention.
Would you like to offer a mass for someone special? If so, please contact Kelly at the office: 542-3423 (except Thursday’s, call 496-5867). Mass intentions are $10 per person.
It is important to be registered in a parish so sacrament information can be logged and available for reference for any life event that occurs. Please pardon the oversight if you have not been receiving envelopes, or if there has been a life event (new to the parish, marriage, births, new addresses etc.) that we are unaware of. Give the office a call at 542-3423 and we will get you back on the registry and will answer any questions you may have

We are now open on Saturdays from 9 am until noon! We are always needing workers – if you are available to have a good time and like to experience how our faith is working in the community, please consider volunteering to help out!
Monday – February 20th
9 – 11 am Drop off: Linda Elder & Barb Craft
Thursday – February 23rd
Store Workers: Don Schutt, Mary Riggio, Linda Elder, Karen Simion, Carol Bastien
Saturday – February 25th
Store Workers: Don Shutt, Mary Riggio, Rex R, Sondra Kuberski
If you are interested in volunteering to help please contact Devoney Alvis at 618-790-3976.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to make this work of charity a success!
St. Joseph Thrift Store
110 W. Main St.
Phone 618-414-8472 or parish office 542-3423

Ministry definition: Ministry is the work of a religious person or religious group,
a collection of minister or the flock tended to by a particular minister.
God has given us all gifts and talents for the service of his church and his people.
Would you like to use your gift to give God his glory?
You can do so by joining one (or more!) of our many ministries here at our churches.
This week’s featured ministry is:
The Flowers/Decorations Ministry is responsible for organizing and overseeing Church decorations as part of beautifying the Lord’s house and creating environments that complement the cur- rent season, service or special event. If you have a talent for decorating or would like to help decorate, please contact Kathy Krifaluzy at 618-318-0128.

The new parish office has moved from the rectory to the back of the old school building at Sacred Heart.
The entrance is the third door under the carport.
Office hours are:

The season of Lent extends in 2023 from Ash Wednesday, February 22, to the beginning of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, April 6.
Fasting & Abstinence
1. Abstaining from meat. Everyone is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday (February 22), Good Friday (April 7) and all Fridays of Lent from age 14 onwards. This year, at the direction of Bishop McGovern, since the memorial of Saint Patrick falls on Friday, March 17, the obligation to abstain from meat on that Friday is removed.
2. Fasting. Everyone is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal.
3. Excused from Fasting and Abstinence. Those that are excused from fast and abstinence outside the age limits include the physically or mentally ill including individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Also excluded are pregnant or nursing women.
4. Because Lent is a special season for all Christians, we should not lightly excuse ourselves from these penitential practices.
2023 Catholic Services and Ministry Appeal:
Making Christ Visible in Southern Illinois
This weekend our parish, along with all other parishes in the diocese, will conduct our Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal. The CSMA provide a convenient way for all of us, no matter what our time limitations, to take an active role in the mission of our diocesan Church. Please b as generous as you are able.

Sacred Heart
3:30pm to 6:30pm
February 24th – March 31st
Mini – Mega Raffle Tickets
Reminder: If you have not yet picked up your Mini-Mega Raffle Tickets, please stop by the tables in the back of church over the next 2 weekends after Mass. Thanks again for your continued support of the Sacred Heart Parish and Immaculate Conception Parishes.

If you would like a copy of your contributions for 2022, please contact the office at sacredheartduquoin@gmail.com or call 618-542-3423 and they will be emailed or mailed to you.

Lenten Rosary Retreat
St. Bruno is offering a Rosary Lenten Program open to all High School students. The program will teach the history, prayers, and Mysteries of the Rosary. Also it will teach about the lives of the Saints who promoted the Rosary and Rosary miracles. The program will start on February 19th 6:00 p.m to 7:30 p.m. and will be every Sunday until Palm Sunday . The program will be held in the Joel Center at St. Bruno, call the parish office with any questions (618) 357-5510.

FORMED – The Catholic Faith. On DemandDiving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet connected device.
Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies…there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church
To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:
Go to https://signup.formed.org/
Enter our parish’s zip code (62832)
Enter your name and your email address
That’s it! You’re in. Now you can get the free FORMED app for your phone by searching FORMED Catholic in your app store.
Whether you come from down the street, around the corner, or from another state, we extend a warm welcome! We are blessed that you have chosen to worship with us. We are a pastorate of two parishes with Sacred Heart in Du Quoin and Immaculate Conception in Tamaroa resulting in a larger faith community with wonderful parishioners looking to worship, pray, serve, and enjoy good fellowship.
If you are not registered we encourage you to call the office at 618-542-3423 or send us an email at sacredheartduquoin@gmail.com and we will get you registered!
We look forward to meeting you and have you as a part of our parish family!

Sacred Heart/Immaculate Conception Catholic church will have an open position for a part time Parish Secretary. The Parish Secretary provides both clerical and administrative support to the Parish Priest to ensure the smooth and professional running of the parish office.
All interested applicants, please send a resume to: sacredheartduqoin@gmail.com
Rev. Carl Schrage,
17 N. Walnut St.
Du Quoin, IL 62832
KC Whole Hog Sausage & Bacon
The Knights of Columbus will again sell whole hog sausage and bacon from Biermans. The cost for the sausage will be $5 per lb. and the bacon will be $8 per lb. or 2 lbs for $15. The delivery date will be on Thursday, March 9th. To order please call Paul Martin at 618-924- 3595 or Al Martin at 618-534-5227.

We will be praying the Stations of the Cross at Immaculate Conception each Friday at 6 pm during Lent and at Sacred Heart each Wednesday at 4:45 pm Please join us as we journey through Lent together.
Join us to have the BEST LENT EVER!
Go to https://PerryIllinoisCatholic.flocknote.com/BestLentEver and add yourself to the group! Each day of lent members of the group will receive two short videos by email to inspire your journey to collaborate with God and create Holy Moments. This program is part of our flocknote messaging and is completely free to you.

Join the Association of the Miraculous Medal on a pilgrimage to Lourdes and Rome, April 14 – 21, 2023, with a post-tour to Medjugorje, April 21 – 25. In Lourdes, we will visit the site where Our Blessed Mother appeared to Bernadette Soubirous. While in Rome, we will visit Vatican City, the Holy Stairs, Trevi Fountain, the Vatican Museum, and more. In Medjugorje we will be at the site where six young visionaries began reporting visions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in 1981. For more information or to sign up, visit https://www.pilgrimages.com/amm/ lourdesandrome/.

210 N Gordon St
Pinckneyville, IL 62274
(618) 357-8276
February 25 – Chicken & Beer Dance at CC Hall
The School is selling used MacBooks for $200 each. Call the school if interested.

Gun of the Month Winner
Gun of the month $20 winner is Kerry Jones! Congratulations!
St Bruno still has several Gun of the Month raffle tickets available. If anyone is still interested in purchasing they can reach out to any St Bruno student or contact Erica Woodside 618-303-3661 (call or text)

Want to Make A Difference in the Life of a Child?
Retired too Soon and Still Want to Teach and/or Lead? Why not Collect Your Retirement and Work in a Catholic School? We Want You and Our Students Need You! Come Share Your Expertise and Passion in a Faith Based Setting! Contact the Diocese of Belleville, Office of Education at officeofeducation@diobelle.org for More In- formation!
The following men, all members of the Deacon Formation Class of 2023, have been recommended to Bishop Michael McGovern, Bishop of Belleville, for Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate on June 3, 2023. A permanent deacon must be a man of humility, prayer, and service. The lay faithful serve a vital part in the selection, calling, and ordination of deacons, who must be faithful to the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church. Therefore, Bishop McGovern invites the faithful to submit any comments concerning the worthiness and suitability of any candidate listed below directly to him. These comments should be submitted in writing to arrive by Tuesday, February 28, 2023.
Mr. Jay Fowler – St. Anthony, Beckemeyer
Mr. Brad Haar – St. George, New Baden
Mr. James Keepes – St. Mary, Mt. Carmel
Mr. Anthony Kellerman – Sacred Heart, Du Quoin
Mr. Daniel Kimutis – St. Clare, O’Fallon
Mr. Daniel Laquet – St. Mary, Centralia
Mr. Douglas Lugge – Cathedral of St. Peter
Mr. David Mills – St. Edward, Fairfield
Mr. David Miskell – SS Peter and Paul, Waterloo
Mr. William Mueller – St. James, Millstadt
Mr. Leonard Ratajczyk – St. Clare, O’Fallon
Mr. Thomas Ritzheimer – St. Mary, Trenton
Mr. Fred Sterns – St. Ann, Nashville
Mr. Justin Wolfslau – St. George, New Baden
Please send your letter or email to:
The Most Reverend Michael G. McGovern Bishop of Belleville
222 S. Third Street
Belleville, IL 62220
Email: bmcgovern@diobelle.org

Parish Staff
for both Churches
Reverend Carl Schrage
– Pastor of
Sacred Heart Church
Immaculate Conception
Kelly Paxton
– Secretary:
Sacred Heart
Immaculate Conception
Tony Kellerman
– Maintenance:
Sacred Heart
Immaculate Conception
Paul Martin – 618-924-3595
– Parish Council President
Sacred Heart
Jamie Schrader – 618-318-3900
– Parish Council President
Immaculate Conception
Janet Hayden
– Coord. of Religious Education
Sacred Heart & Immaculate Conception
– Youth Minister
Sacred Heart & Immaculate Conception
Parish Contact Information
for both Churches
17 N. Walnut, Du Quoin, IL 62832
Rectory Phone – 618-542-3423
Email – sacredheartduquoin@gmail.com
Sacred Heart Catholic Church:
100 West Main St., Du Quoin, IL 62832
Phone – 618-542-3423
Haffner Hall rental – 618-542-3423
Haffner Hall Phone – 618-542-2285
16 N. Walnut, Du Quoin, IL 62832
Parish Council President – 618-542-6298
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
533 W 2nd North St, Tamaroa, IL 62888
Phone – 618-496-5867
Immaculate Conception Hall rental
– 618-496-5867

– Suzanne McCrary
Parish Notes:
RECONCILIATION: See Mass Schedule or anytime by appt.
BAPTISM: During weekend Masses by appt. Must be a registered member and attend baptismal preparation session.
MARRIAGE: At least six months prior notification to the pastor.
HOLY MASS: See Mass Schedule